Wednesday, July 2, 2008


this past weekend was a long weekend for some folks here in canada. i was lucky enough to have four days off! i wanted to take advantage of said days off, so we whisked ourselves away to elora, ontario. the drive was about an hour and a half, which wasn't too too bad. elora was such a cute town with so many beautiful stone houses and nice friendly people. on our first day there we went down some very steep stone steps to explore the gorge. the rocky cliffs looked like faces, i was waiting for them to say something to me.
i failed to bring the digital camera with me on the trip, so i bought one of those disposable cameras. i will have to develop the pictures soon.
there were a few antique shops but there was only one that had things that fancied my liking. i ended up purchasing a few:

50's white cotton gloves with little bows

70's stackable tupperware spice containers

1 comment:

Laura Hill-Bean said...

RIZIE. those gloves are like two beautiful pieces of treasure. i love them.

i have always wanted to daytrip to elora, but wasn't sure what to expect.